Packed Lunches
If your child prefers to bring their own lunch, please remember a good packed lunch will ideally include a selection of foods that will keep children's energy levels up throughout the afternoon.
For example include: -
- A healthy sandwich made with brown bread and a low fat, protein-based filling like ham, chicken, or tuna
- At least one portion of fruit, for example, a small banana, snacks of grapes or an apple - vegetable snack such as carrot sticks, cucumber sticks, or cherry tomatoes
- A low-fat fruit yoghurt to finish providing protein and calcium
- A bottle of water to keep your child hydrated and alert.
You should avoid: -
- Snacks such as crisps. Instead include seeds, vegetables, and fruit.
- confectionery, such as chocolate bars, chocolate coated biscuits and sweets
- Cakes and biscuits are allowed but encourage your child to eat these only as part of a balanced meal.
- Meat products such as sausage rolls, pies, and sausages/chipolatas should only be included occasionally.
Try making these four easy changes:
- Swap white bread sandwiches for wholemeal bread
- Swap crisps for carrot or cucumber sticks
- Swap chocolate or biscuits for fresh fruit
- Swap fizzy drinks for water or fruit juice