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Year 4

Children will learn and develop the following skills in PE::


Identify and repeat the movement patterns and actions of a chosen dance style.

Compose a dance that reflects the chosen dance style.

Confidently improvise with a partner or on their own.

Compose longer dance sequences in a small group.

Demonstrate precision and some control in response to stimuli.

Begin to vary dynamics and develop actions and motifs in response to stimuli.

Demonstrate rhythm and spatial awareness.

Change parts of a dance as a result of self-evaluation.

Use simple dance vocabulary when comparing and improving work.

Compete and perform

Perform and create sequences with fluency and expression.

Perform and apply skills and techniques with control and accuracy.


Watch, describe and evaluate the effectiveness of performances, giving ideas for improvements.

Modify their use of skills or techniques to achieve a better result.


Create a sequence of actions that fit a theme.

Use an increasing range of actions, directions and levels in their sequences.

Move with clarity, fluency and expression.

Show changes of direction, speed and level during a performance.

Travel in different ways, including using flight.

Improve the placement and alignment of body parts in balances.

Use equipment to vault in a variety of ways.

Carry out balances, recognising the position of their centre of gravity and how this affects the balance.

Begin to develop good technique when travelling, balancing and using equipment.

Develop strength, technique and flexibility throughout performances.


Forward roll from standing

Straddle forward roll

Tucked backward roll

Backward roll to straddle


Straight jump

Tuck jump

Jumping jack

Star jump

Straddle jump

Pike jump

Straight jump half-turn

Straight jump full-turn

Cat leap

Cat leap half-turn

Vault – with springboard and vault or other suitable raised platform,

Hurdle step onto springboard

Squat on vault

Straddle on vault

Star jump off

Tuck jump off

Straddle jump off

Pike jump off

Handstands, Cartwheels and Round-offs

Lunge into handstand

Lunge into cartwheel

Travelling & Linking Actions

Tiptoe, step, jump and hop



Chassis steps

Straight jump half turn

Straight jump full turn

Cat leap

Cat leap half turn


Shapes and Balances

1, 2, 3 and 4- point balances

Balances on apparatus

Balances with and against a partner

Pike, tuck, star, straight, straddle shapes

Front and back support

Compete and perform

Perform and create sequences with fluency and expression.

Perform and apply skills and techniques with control and accuracy.


Striking and Hitting a Ball

Use a bat, racquet or stick (hockey) to hit a ball or shuttlecock with accuracy and control.

Accurately serve underarm.

Build a rally with a partner.

Use at least two different shots in a game situation.

Use hand-eye coordination to strike a moving and a stationary ball.

Throwing and Catching a Ball

Develop different ways of throwing and catching.

Travelling with a Ball

Move with the ball using a range of techniques showing control and fluency.

Passing a Ball

Pass the ball with increasing speed, accuracy and success in a game situation.


Occasionally contribute towards helping their team to keep and win back possession of the ball in a team game.

Using Space

Make the best use of space to pass and receive the ball.

Attacking and Defending

Use a range of attacking and defending skills and techniques in a game.

Use fielding skills as an individual to prevent a player from scoring.

Tactics and Rules

Vary the tactics they use in a game.

Adapt rules to alter games.

Compete and perform

Perform and apply skills and techniques with control and accuracy.

Take part in a range of competitive games and activities.


Watch, describe and evaluate the effectiveness of performances, giving ideas for improvements.

Modify their use of skills or techniques to achieve a better result.



Confidently demonstrate an improved technique for sprinting.

Carry out an effective sprint finish.

Perform a relay, focusing on the baton changeover technique.

Speed up and slow down smoothly.


Learn how to combine a hop, step and jump to perform the standing triple jump.

Land safely and with control.

Begin to measure the distance jumped.


Perform a pull throw.

Measure the distance of their throws.

Continue to develop techniques to throw for increased distance.

Compete and perform

Perform and apply skills and techniques with control and accuracy.

Take part in a range of competitive games and activities.


Watch, describe and evaluate the effectiveness of performances, giving ideas for improvements.

Modify their use of skills or techniques to achieve a better result.



Orientate themselves with accuracy around a short trail.

Create a short trail for others with a physical challenge.

Start to recognise features of an orienteering course.


Communicate clearly with other people in a team, and with other teams.

Have experience of a range of roles within a team and begin to identify the key skills required to succeed at each.

Associate the meaning of a key in the context of the environment.

Preparation and Organisation

Try a range of equipment for creating and completing an activity.

Make an informed decision on the best equipment to use for an activity.

Plan and organise a trail that others can follow.


Communicate clearly with others.

Work as part of a team.

Begin to use a map to complete an orienteering course.

Compete and perform

Complete an orienteering course more than once and begin to identify ways of improving completion time.

Offer an evaluation of both personal performances and activities.

Start to improve trails to increase the challenge of the course.


Watch, describe and evaluate the effectiveness of performances, giving ideas for improvements.

Modify their use of skills or techniques to achieve a better result.