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Year 5

Developing, planning and communicating ideas:

• Generate ideas through brainstorming and identify a purpose for their product.

• Draw up a specification for their design.

• Develop a clear idea of what has to be done, planning how to use materials, equipment and processes, and suggesting alternative methods of making if the first attempts fail.

• Use results of investigations, information sources, including ICT when developing design ideas

Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products (including food):

• Select appropriate materials, tools and techniques.

• Measure and mark out accurately.

• Use skills in using different tools and equipment safely and accurately.

• Weigh and measure accurately (time, dry ingredients, liquids).

• Apply the rules for basic food hygiene and other safe practices e.g. hazards relating to the use of ovens.

• Cut and join with accuracy to ensure a good-quality finish to the product.

Evaluating processes and products:

• Evaluate a product against the original design specification.

• Evaluate it personally and seek evaluation from others.