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Year 4

Developing, planning and communicating ideas.

• Generate ideas, considering the purposes for which they are designing.

• Make labelled drawings from different views showing specific features.

• Develop a clear idea of what has to be done, planning how to use materials, equipment and processes, and suggesting alternative methods of making, if the first attempts fail.

• Evaluate products and identify criteria that can be used for their own designs.

Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products (including food):

• Select appropriate tools and techniques for making their product.

• Measure, mark out, cut and shape a range of materials, using appropriate tools, equipment and techniques.

• Join and combine materials and components accurately in temporary and permanent ways.

• Sew using a range of different stitches, weave and knit.

• Measure, tape or pin, cut and join fabric with some accuracy.

• Use simple graphical communication techniques

Evaluating processes and products:

• Evaluate their work both during and at the end of the assignment.

• Evaluate their products carrying out appropriate tests.