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Year 1

Autumn 1

Exploring Digital Sound


Spring 1

Action Algorithms





Autumn 2

 Making Multimedia Stories


Spring 2

Programming Direction


Coding Critters


In Year 1, children will complete the following skills related to Computing:

Computer Science:

- Use the word algorithm correctly, explaining that it is a list of clear instructions.

- Can follow a simple algorithm (like a recipe, or rules for a game).

- Can put a sequence in the correct order. Know that if one part of the algorithm changes then the end result will be different.

- Can name devices in school and at home that use an algorithm to work (a washing machine, alexa, BeeBot).

- Can construct their own algorithm (pictures, symbols, emergent writing or verbally) to complete an action (draw a face, move a BeeBot, make a sandwich).

IT and Digital Literacy

- Can open a program and create work for a given task (e.g. open 2paint and produce a digital image, open 2publish+ and input text and images).

- Name different types of computer produced work (e.g. words, pictures, music, films).

- Talk about their work and suggest ways to improve it. Are beginning to save their work in the correct folders as directed by staff.

- Share their use of technology outside of school, naming common devices and their functions (computer/laptop, tablet devices, smart home devices).

- Login and off the school network with increasing speed and accuracy using appropriate scaffolding.

- List what personal information to keep private.

- Name at least one action to follow if they have concerns about their online safety.