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Year 2


Understand that we can use different media (sometimes combined in one drawing) to capture the nature of things we find.
Understand that we can hold our drawing tools in a variety of ways, experimenting with pressure, grip and speed to affect line.
Visit local environment, collect natural objects, explore composition and qualities of objects through arranging, sorting & representing.
Use drawing exercises to focus an exploration of observational drawing (of objects) combined with experimental mark making, using graphite, soft pencil, handwriting pen.
Work with care and focus, enjoying making drawings which are unrushed. Explore quality of line, texture and shape.
Create final collaged drawings (see also “collage” section) which explore composition.
Make drawings inspired by sound.


Continue to build understanding that sketchbooks are places for personal experimentation.
Understand that the way each persons’ sketchbook looks is unique to them.

Work in sketchbooks to:
Explore the qualities of different media.
Make close observational drawings of small objects, drawn to scale, working slowly, developing mark making. Explore colour and colour mixing. Make visual notes about artists studied.


Understand mono prints or mono types are prints made by drawing through an inked surface,

transferring the marks on to another sheet.
Transfer the skills learnt in drawing and sketchbooks to mono print by making monoprints using oil pastel prints, exploring the qualities of line.


Understand that some painters use expressive, gestural marks in their work, often resulting in abstract, expressionist painting.
Understand that the properties of the paint that you use, and how you use it, will affect your mark making.
Understand that primary colours can be mixed together to make secondary colours of different hues.

Understand the concept of still life.
Explore colour mixing through gestural mark making, initially working without a subject matter to allow exploration of media. Experiment with using home made tools.
Create an arrangement of objects or elements. Use as the focus for an abstract still life painting using gestural marks using skills learnt above.


Understand that we can combine collage with other disciplines such as drawing, printmaking and making.
Use the observational drawings made (see “drawing”), cutting the separate drawings out and using them to create a new artwork, thinking carefully about composition. Work into the collage with further drawing made in response to the collaged sheet.
Collage with drawings to create invented forms.


Understand the role of an architect.
Understand when we make sculpture by adding materials it is called Construction.
Use the Design through Making philosophy to construct with a variety of materials to make an architectural model of a building, considering shape, form, colour, and perspective. Consider interior and exterior.
Use Design through Making philosophy to playfully construct towards a loose brief.
Transform found objects into sculpture, using imagination and construction techniques including cutting, tying, sticking. Think about shape (2d), form (3d), texture, colour and structure.

Visual Literacy and Articulation

Understand artists take their inspiration from around them, collecting and transforming.
Understand that in art we can experiment and discover things for ourselves.
Look at the work of a printmaker, an architect, and artists and learn to dissect their work to help build understanding. Understand how the artists experience feeds into their work.
Understand we may all have different responses in terms of our thoughts and the things we make. That we may share similarities. Understand all responses are valid.
Reflect upon the artists’ work, and share your response verbally (“I liked…”).
Present your own artwork (journey and any final outcome), reflect and share verbally (“I enjoyed… This went well”).
Talk about intention.
Share responses to classmates work, appreciating similarities and differences.
Document work using still image (photography) or by making a drawing of the work. When using photography consider lighting and focus.