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Number and Place Value

Displays fast recognition of up to 3 objects, without having to count them individually ('subitising').

Recites numbers past 5.

Can say one number for each item in order: 1,2,3,4,5

Knows that the last number reached when counting a small set of objects tells you how many there are in total ('cardinal principle').   

Can show 'finger numbers' up to 5.     

Can link numerals and amounts: e.g. showing the right number of objects to match the numeral, up to 5.     

Is experimenting with his/her own symbols and marks as well as numerals.      I

s able to solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5.  

Can compare quantities using language such as; 'more than', 'fewer than'. 


Can make comparisons between objects relating to size, length, weight and capacity. 

Properties of Shape

Can talk about and explore 2D and 3D shapes (e.g. circles, rectangles, triangles and cuboids) using informal and mathematical language; 'sides', 'corners', 'straight', 'flat', 'round'. 

Selects shapes appropriately; flat surfaces for building, a triangular prism for a roof etc.

Combines shapes to make new ones; an arch, a bigger triangle etc.  

Position and Direction

Can describe a familiar route.     

Is able to discuss routes and locations, using words like 'in front of' and 'behind'.

Understands position through words alone, e.g. "The bag is under the table," - with no pointing.