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Year 6

Children will learn and develop the following skills in PE:


Identify and repeat the movement patterns and actions of a chosen dance style.

Compose individual, partner and group dances that reflect the chosen dance style.

Use dramatic expression in dance movements and motifs.

Perform with confidence, using a range of movement patterns.

Demonstrate strong and controlled movements throughout a dance sequence.

Combine flexibility, techniques and movements to create a fluent sequence.

Move appropriately and with the required style in relation to the stimulus, e.g. using various levels,

ways of travelling and motifs.

Show a change of pace and timing in their movements.

Move rhythmically and accurately in dance sequences.

Improvise with confidence, still demonstrating fluency across their sequence.

Dance with fluency and control, linking all movements and ensuring that transitions flow.

Demonstrate consistent precision when performing dance sequences.

Modify some elements of a sequence as a result of self and peer evaluation.

Use complex dance vocabulary to compare and improve work.

Compete and perform

Link actions to create a complex sequence using a full range of movement.

Perform the sequence in time to music.

Perform and apply a variety of skills and techniques confidently, consistently and with precision.


Thoroughly evaluate their own and others’ work, suggesting thoughtful and appropriate improvements.


Create their own complex sequences involving the full range of actions and movements: travelling, balancing, holding shapes, jumping, leaping, swinging, vaulting and stretching.

Demonstrate precise and controlled placement of body parts in their actions, shapes and balances.

Confidently use equipment to vault and incorporate this into sequences.

Apply skills and techniques consistently, showing precision and control.

Develop strength, technique and flexibility throughout performances.


Forward roll from standing

Straddle forward roll

Pike forward roll

Dive forward roll

Tucked backward roll

Backward roll to straddle

Backward roll to standing pike

Pike backward roll


Straight jump

Tuck jump

Jumping jack

Star jump

Straddle jump

Pike jump

Stag jump

Straight jump half-turn

Straight jump full-turn

Cat leap

Cat leap half-turn

Cat leap full-turn

Split leap

Stag leap


Hurdle step onto springboard

Squat on vault

Straddle on vault

Star jump off

Tuck jump off

Straddle jump off

Pike jump off

Squat through vault

Straddle over vault

Handstands, cartwheels and round-offs

Lunge into cartwheel

Lunge into round-off

Hurdle step

Hurdle step into cartwheel

Hurdle step into round-off

Travelling and Linking actions

Tiptoe, step, jump and hop



Chassis steps

Straight jump half turn

Straight jump full turn

Cat leap

Cat leap half turn

Cat leap full turn


Shapes and Balances

1, 2, 3 and 4- point balances

Balances on apparatus

Develop technique, control and complexity of part-weight partner balances

Group formations

Pike, tuck, star, straight, straddle shapes

Front and back support

Compete and perform

Link actions to create a complex sequence using a full range of movement that showcases different agilities, performed in time to music.

Perform and apply a variety of skills and techniques confidently, consistently and with precision.

Begin to record their peers’ performances, and evaluate these.


Striking and Hitting a ball

Hit a bowled ball over longer distances.

Use good hand-eye coordination to be able to direct a ball when striking or hitting.

Understand how to serve in order to start a game.

Throwing and Catching a ball

Throw and catch accurately and successfully under pressure in a game.

Travelling with a ball

Show confidence in using ball skills in various ways in a game situation, and link these together effectively.

Passing a ball

Choose and make the best pass in a game situation and link a range of skills together with fluency, e.g. passing and receiving the ball on the move.


Keep and win back possession of the ball effectively and in a variety of ways in a team game.

Using space

Demonstrate a good awareness of space.

Attacking and Defending

Think ahead and create a plan of attack or defence.

Apply knowledge of skills for attacking and defending.

Work as a team to develop fielding strategies to prevent the opposition from scoring.

Tactics and rules

Follow and create complicated rules to play a game successfully.

Communicate plans to others during a game.

Lead others during a game.

Compete and perform

Perform and apply a variety of skills and techniques confidently, consistently and with precision.

Take part in competitive games with a strong understanding of tactics and composition.


Thoroughly evaluate their own and others’ work, suggesting thoughtful and appropriate improvements.



Recap, practise and refine an effective sprinting technique, including reaction time.

Build up speed quickly for a sprint finish.

Run over hurdles with fluency, focusing on the lead leg technique and a consistent stride pattern.

Accelerate to pass other competitors.

Work as a team to competitively perform a relay.

Confidently and independently select the most appropriate pace for different distances and different parts of the run.

Demonstrate endurance and stamina over longer distances in order to maintain a sustained run.


Develop the technique for the standing vertical jump.

Maintain control at each of the different stages of the triple jump.

Land safely and with control.

Develop and improve their techniques for jumping for height and distance and support others in improving their performance.

Perform and apply different types of jumps in other contexts.

Set up and lead jumping activities including measuring the jumps with confidence and accuracy.


Perform a heave throw.

Measure and record the distance of their throws.

Continue to develop techniques to throw for increased distance and support others in improving their personal best.

Develop and refine techniques to throw for accuracy.

Compete and perform

Perform and apply a variety of skills and techniques confidently, consistently and with precision.

Take part in competitive games with a strong understanding of tactics and composition.


Thoroughly evaluate their own and others’ work, suggesting thoughtful and appropriate improvements.



Orientate themselves with confidence and accuracy around an orienteering course when under pressure.

Design an orienteering course that is clear to follow and offers challenge to others.

Use navigation equipment (maps, compasses) to improve the trail.


Use clear communication to effectively complete a particular role in a team.

Compete in orienteering activities both as part of a team and independently.

Use a range of map styles and make an informed decision on the most effective.

Preparation and organisation

Choose the best equipment for an outdoor activity.

Prepare an orienteering course for others to follow.

Identify the quickest route to accurately navigate an orienteering course.

Manage an orienteering event for others to compete in.


Communicate clearly and effectively with others when under pressure.

Work effectively as part of a team, demonstrating leadership skills where necessary.

Successfully use a map to complete an orienteering course.

Use a compass for navigation.

Organise an event for others.

Compete and perform

Complete an orienteering course on multiple occasions, in a quicker time due to improved technique.

Offer a detailed and effective evaluation of both personal performances and activities with an aim of increasing challenge and improving performance.

Listen to feedback and improve an orienteering course from it.


Thoroughly evaluate their own and others work, suggesting thoughtful and appropriate improvements.