Year 3
Developing, planning and communicating ideas.
• Generate ideas for an item, considering its purpose and the users.
• Identify a purpose and establish criteria for a successful product.
• Plan the order of their work before starting.
• Explore, develop and communicate design proposals by modelling ideas.
• Make drawings with labels when designing
Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products (including food):
• Select tools and techniques for making their product.
* Measure, mark out, cut, score and assemble components with more accuracy.
• Work safely and accurately with a range of simple tools.
• Think about their ideas as they make progress and be willing to change things if this helps them improve their work.
• Measure, tape or pin, cut and join fabric with some accuracy.
• Demonstrate hygienic food preparation and storage.
• Use finishing techniques to strengthen and improve the appearance of their product using a range of equipment including ICT.
Evaluating processes and products:
• Evaluate their product against original design criteria e.g. how well it meets its intended purpose.
• Disassemble and evaluate familiar products.