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Year 2

Long Term Plan Year 2

Autumn 1

Writing in Different Styles


Spring 1

Programming with Scratch Jnr






Autumn 2

An Introduction to Animation


Spring 2

Finding and Presenting Information


In Year 2, children will complete the following skills related to Computing:

Computer Science:

- Explain what the word algorithm means using the words ‘unambiguous’ and ‘precise’ correctly in their definition.

- Create their own simple (linear) algorithms.

- Explain what the endpoint of an algorithm will be (e.g. predict where a BeeBot will travel to by reading a program of arrows).

- Identify mistakes/errors in algorithms and make suggestions about how to make improvements (debug).

IT and Digital Literacy

- Can select or name software/app that would be appropriate for a simple given task.

- Use a wider range of programs to accomplish more complex tasks (e.g. produce graphs, access age appropriate databases).

- Can open a saved piece of work, edit the project and resave with increasing accuracy.

- Can find relevant content for a topic from the world wide web using a web browser.

- Login without support. Explain how to use technology safely.

- Can explain the importance of keeping passwords secret and protecting other personal information.